Submited By: Sandra de Wit on 10/24/2014I've been waiting for years for something that would bring osc into joomla without having to re-enter a thousand products. I've tried and bought half a dozen cart add-ons in hopes they did the trick only to be stopped dead by some obscure problem like lack of shipping configuration flexibility, or no way to import and map the products from the database.
Working with MarvikShop has been pretty simple for me since I've worked with oscommerce for 15 yrs or so and basically it is the same, just inside joomla admin.
Any questions I've had have received excellent support to date, I installed this approximately 5 months ago and I'm still happy with it. I highly recommend if you already know Oscommerce inside out and also work with Joomla then this is the cart software for you. You'll be able to retain and use all the excellent features and add-ons you had previously which minimizes any change for your customers too. You can even connect to your old database if you prefer to still have that separate from Joomla.